I am so excited that you are here. If you are looking for a clean eating for beginners guide, you’ll get below all you need to know. The 52-week clean eating habits challenge is the safest way to develop good habits and make them stick.
Let’s face it: Changing habits for a natural weight loss is easier said than done. As a woman, managing your well-being is a real struggle in today’s hectic world. My sincere goal is to help YOU switch to and enjoy a vibrant, energetic lifestyle that you can practice throughout your whole life.
Thinking in terms of small changes
All the changes presented fall under one of three categories: nutrition, fitness or happiness. I do not present extreme suggestions. Many of the positive habits that I recommend are ones that you already know as essential for well being and weight control. While these may seem like common sense things – like omitting packaged foods – you often fail to put them into practice.
The truth is that only a minority of us think in terms of small changes. You can often only see the big picture, i.e., eat healthier, lose weight etc. Science has proved that changes in body and mind functions must come in baby steps if they are to be sustainable. (Charles Duhigg, 2012, The Power of Habit)
You will hardly notice the gradual improvements to your health. These tiny changes make us feel successful, and success is built on success.
52 small habit changes
I have taken these large changes and divided them into doable smaller topics with a special focus on plant-based recipes. In a second step, I prioritized the changes and spread them out over the course of an entire year.
This resulted in 52 habit challenges that I think matter most in the context of good habits, eating clean, high fiber foods and natural weight loss. This gives you one little step each week to work on so that big steps come naturally.
Or as Jim Ryun puts it: “Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.” Click through and get inspired through 91 habit quotes about change.
A carefully proportioned dose of weekly reading
Each week I will explore a topic and explain the benefits in a carefully proportioned dose of weekly reading. Tips and tricks about each subject will help to keep the mini-goals realistic and make the concept stick.
How to eat clean
The baby steps are so simple that even a beginner in the world of clean eating and exercise will find a lot of value.
Don’t be disappointed if you cannot master all 52 challenges. Pursue the “lean jumpstart” approach instead. Choose habit changes that you feel are important to you, then slowly implement them at a pace that works for you. If you can tackle even a third of them, you should be able to feel a lot better about your body, mind, and lifestyle.
Learn here the principles of the clean eating habits concept.
Advanced action plan for health nuts
If you are a true health enthusiast, some of the smart eating habits like snacking plenty of fruits and vegetables might already be part of your daily life. See them as reminders or encouragements to keep doing what you are doing. Naturally, there is always room for improvement.
If you have already implemented the week’s baby step challenge, I sometimes provide you with extra ideas for an advanced approach when you feel especially determined. Maybe the advanced action plan can push you to the next level. Those participants that are truly motivated can get through the 52 weekly lessons in less time than one year.
Get your good habits and routines on autopilot
By developing easy clean eating recipes and smart routines, you will have more time and energy for the aspects of life that are most important to you. The program is based on the following principles:
• Encouraging easy, baby-step changes that lead to big changes
• Making sure that you enjoy the change
• Presenting reliable triggers
• Committing social accountability through an active community, tools, and checklists
I sincerely believe that this 52-week challenge is an effective way to inspire and motivate you to live healthier and make positive changes in your kitchen and overall life.
If weight loss is your main goal, it might be the safest way to lose weight without risking to relapse. Once you make some “cornerstone habits” stick, they will just affect your future food decisions in a positive way.
Are you ready to make a commitment to living a balanced life?
Helping you lose those unwanted pounds and inches is part of my commitment, and that is why I will be very accessible to answer any questions you may have. Most of all, I want to make sure that FUN is a key component of the process!!!
Join now my 52 Chef Habits E-course and let me be your beginners guide to clean eating and a vibrant, energetic lifestyle! Click here to learn more!
Find here a taste of positive changes:
Smart Organization
Setting smart goals
Beat Procrastination
Positive Habit Changes
Clean eating meal plans for beginners
Clean Eating Schedule
How to clean a fridge
Spiralizer for creative, plant-based recipes
Smart Habits
Reducing TV
Drinking Water
How to get sleep
Laughter Challenge
Stop Emotional Eating
How to Improve Posture
Brew Green Tea
Clean Food Habits
Clean Eating for Kids
Eating more Vegetables
Whole Grain Recipe
Curb Sugar Cravings
Fruit Nutrition
Good Fats and Cooking Oils
How to Choose Leaner Cuts
Low Sodium Foods
Smart Cooking Methods
Safe Party Food
Time-Saving Freezer Meals
Easy Herbs
Flat Stomach Foods
Want to learn more about the power of easy, plant-based recipes and how to jumpstart smart habits?
Click here to learn more!