Avocado cashew cream with garlic and herbs – simple, fiber rich and delicious


Last Updated on January 22, 2021

When hearty cashews are combined with ripe, aromatic avocados, you get a dairy free, vegan cream cheese you simply can’t get enough of.  And before you run away because you think this fat loaded spread is not suitable for weight management just wait a minute.

avocado cashew cream

Although this plant-based dip is high in plant fat it can still be beneficial for your weight management. Read more about this phenomenoma at the end of this blog post. I’ve also included a how-to-video below showing you step by step how to create this delicious spread.

That’s what you’ll need

avocado cashew spread ingredients

This plant-based cream cheese is super flexible and the variations are endless. In this recipe I’ve added just some lemon juice, garlic and oregano. But you could also include other vegetables like dried tomatoes or grilled pepper.

Minced carrots and celery are another great addition instead of garlic and herbs. If you don’t use too many liquid ingredients you really can’t do anything wrong.

2 easy steps

Step 1: Put avocado, drained cashews, lemon juice, oregano and garlic into a food processor.

ingredients in blender

Step 2: Mix until smooth. Stop scrape down the sides of the food processor and mix again. Season to taste with some salt and pepper.

mixed ingredients

Avocado cashew cream – the variations are endless

Once you try it, you want to dip everything into it, from crackers to vegetable sticks. 

cashew avocado cream

Of course this avocado cashew spread will dress up a whole grain sandwich or bagel too. I love it as plain cream just on slices of whole grain bread or as as creamy addition in buddha bowls. By the way, the cream can be kept sealed in the refrigerator for about 1 week.

Watch to make the recipe

[mv_video doNotAutoplayNorOptimizePlacement=”false” doNotOptimizePlacement=”false” jsonLd=”true” key=”tiz3s78tjp47gut267es” ratio=”16:9″ thumbnail=”https://mediavine-res.cloudinary.com/v1605622138/stqfzxp43kxzntckj0e1.jpg” title=”Avocado Cashew Spread” volume=”70″]

Avocado cashew cream recipe

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A delicious, high fiber sandwich spread

  • Author: Gabi Rupp
  • Prep Time: 10
  • Total Time: 10


  • 1 medium avocado
  • 1/2 cup raw cashews (soaked in 1 cup of water for at least 2 hours, or over night)
  • 1/4 cup lemon juice
  • 1/2 tsp. oregano
  • 2 garlic cloves, minced
  • salt and pepper to taste


  1. Add avocado, drained cashews, lemon juice, oregano and garlic into a food processor.
  2. Mix until smooth. Stop scrape down the sides of the food processor and mix again. 
  3. Season to taste with some salt and pepper.


  • The cream can be kept sealed in the refrigerator for about 1 week.

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How to lose weight with the right types of fat

Do you think that eating fat that doesn’t make fat is too good to be true? And yet there is evidence that if you chose your fat wisely in form of high fiber whole foods it can help you to stay healthy, keep your hormones in balance and in fact burn your excess abdominal fat.

Two great examples in this context are the fat rich avocados and cashews – main ingredients in this vegan cream cheese recipe.

avocado cashew cream with garlic

How avocados can support your weight loss

Avocados contain an abundance of vitamins, minerals and fiber. According to a study, participants felt a longer lasting satiety effect after a balanced meal with fiber rich avocados than after a meal without avocados. (1)

Also the fat profile of avocados consists of two thirds of monounsaturated fatty acids and only 20 percent of unhealthy, saturated fatty acids.

The consumption of unsaturated fatty acids has been proven to be healthier than the intake of a comparable amount of saturated fatty acids. Blood sugar levels and insulin sensitivity can be positively influenced in this way. (2)

The fats contained in avocados, help your body regulate its hormones, making it easier for you to build muscles and burn abdominal fat.

How cashew nuts can help you with weight management

You probably know that nuts in general contain high quality proteins, as well as many vitamins and fiber. These power foods can also help you to control your appetite and keep your blood sugar level low.

Even if nuts contain a high percentage of fat, these fats are beneficial fats, which play an important role in your body’s hormonal balance. A cross-sectional study between nut intake and fatness show that the skinniest people eat the most nuts and the fattest people eat the least nuts. Meat consumption was associated with a higher body mass index (BMI) and nut consumption was associated with a lower BMI. (3)

What is more…A growing body of research has found that especially cashews can make you happy and slim. Cashews contain tryptophan, an amino acid that is a precursor of the happiness hormone serotonin. Similar to serotonin, this amino acid has a mood-lightening effect and has been proven to enhance mood. (4) Soaking cashews prior to using them for cooking purposes, like in the following recipe, helps in proper nutrient absorption.

Also according to a recent study the incorporation of cashews into typical American diets decreases total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol, in comparison with a control diet. (5)

The perfect alternative to butter or cream cheese

So if you always wanted a healthy alternative to creamy dairy then this versatile and vegan avocado cashew cream is your perfect choice with great properties for weight management.



4 thoughts on “Avocado cashew cream with garlic and herbs – simple, fiber rich and delicious”

    • Thank you Becky:)
      I’m not sure but if you can tolerate peanuts, I can imagine they work very well in this recipe. An alternative would be to replace cashews with seeds like sunflower or pumpkin seeds. Let me know how it worked.


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