16 thoughts on “Video 2”

  1. I’m enjoying your videos immensely. I am currently trying to plan better. I always have good intentions, buying good produce and lean meats, but don’t always plan specific meals/ snacks. I then get short on time or something comes up and we end up just grabbing something fast which isn’t always a nutritious options. This last weekend I prepared quite a few freezer meals and made a menu for the week. I am excited that this will be a positive start.

    Looking forward to the next video.

    • Dear Wendy,
      thank you for your kind words. Starting with freezer meals is a smart move:) Please check your inbox, the link to video 3 you should have got yesterday.

  2. I love your videos! They truly show how passionate you are about what you do! Thanks, Gabi, for being such an inspiring teacher! 🙂

  3. It seems the best idea for me is to have a backup plan. I will try and buy only healthy foods so my fridge and pantry are stocked up. This way I hope I won’t be tempted to munch on 2 chocolate bars or eat a whole bag of chips.

    What do you think about freezer meals? If I cook only one day a week and keep it in the freezer do I still get a healthy, nutritious meal? What do you think?

    • Hello Joanne,
      great approach!
      Regarding freezer meals, I’m a big fan of them. For beginners I recommend to freeze just staples you use a lot. So many cooked ingredients can be frozen, including browned meat, grilled chicken, rice, cooked lentils, beans and more. Check out my article on healthy freezer meals for some inspirations: https://leanjumpstart.com/healthy-clean-eating/healthy-freezer-meals/
      All the best

  4. Wow, you’re fast! I love watching these videos, you have a very calm and nice voice, and I feel like I’m in a therapy session hihi! If I manage to control my snacks I know I will look and feel different but sometimes it’s like I’m my own worst enemy… Now you made me very anxious about your next video, I’m very curious!! Can’t wait to see your “52 Chef Habits” video! When will you post it? I hope soon.

  5. I agree 100%! Starting small is the best advice for anyone wanting to make a change in their life. I want to lose 10 pounds but I’m not overcomplicating it, I just cut sugar and do my best to eat as many fruits and veggies as possible. After I got used to the lack of sugar and I plan to cut back on processed meats as much as possible and see where I stand. I started drinking more water and I am less hungry which helps my overall goal.

  6. My subconscious is already admitting to some of these problems… I’m not overweight but I would love to achieve a more toned look. I noted down these advices and hope I’m able to follow them most of the days. Smaller changes are more realistic than a whole lifestyle makeover so I’m really being hopeful… Thanks a lot for this!

  7. I just had my first breakfast in a while; I had oats with Greek yoghurt and strawberries and it was delicious. I also started my day with a glass of lukewarm water and two spoons of lemon juice which felt pretty nice. I don’t know if it’s the water or just the fact that I ate something but I didn’t feel the need to overindulge throughout the day. Thanks a lot for these advices! Looking forward to your next video!

    • You are welcome Lilith:) I’m glad that you liked your oat breakfast. Usually oats have a great satiating power. This effect can be even increased with sufficient water or tea
      I could eat oats every day, I just love the taste from my childhood.

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