With all the hype going on regarding detox water, I felt it is time to present my favorite 24 clean, flavored water recipes.

How to easily drink more water?
Most of my readers know that a proper hydration is a “keystone habit” that I also tackle in my 52 Chef Habits Course. If you can make this important habit stick it not only aids in digestion but it can naturally act as a catalyst for other good habits. (1)
While for many people drinking sufficient liquid throughout the day was never a challenge, for others it can be a real struggle to say goodbye to juice and soda. If you want to lose weight this might be one of the most important habits to tackle.
No matter to which group you belong, I’m sure that the following 24 flavored water recipes will inspire you to increase your liquid intake. They contain only a few ingredients and are super easy to prepare. Please note that I’m not using the term “detox” in a medical sense, but rather in the context of a clean eating lifestyle.
What is detox water?
Also called fruit infused or flavored water, it is nothing else than (filtered) tap water immersed with fresh fruits, vegetables or herbs. Sometimes it is also called “spa water”. The added ingredients release over the time certain nutrients to the fluid and boost its taste.
That way this drink helps not only to hydrate your body but supplies it as an aside with vitamins and minerals. Some nutritionists claim that you can get up to 20% of the vitamin content of freshly squeezed fruit juice, all without the extra fructose or calories.
7 tips to make the most out of it
To get the most health benefits from your flavored beverage I have packed some frequently asked questions into seven tips:
- Wash your fruits and vegetables very thoroughly or even better use organic food, if you don’t peel it.
- Frozen fruits work too, but they do not release as much juice.
- For health and taste reasons I recommend filtered water. Regular plain water from your tap is ok if it tastes good to you.
- You’ll need 1-quart or 2-quart pitchers, mason jars, carafes or special bottles.
- There is no right or wrong with ingredient quantities. My recipes can only serve as a rough guideline. Test as often as possible to get your preferred flavor combination.
- Drink up your beverage within 24 hours otherwise, the fruits get mushy.
- You can eat the fruits after infusing, but be aware that most fruits will taste bland after they have been infused.
24 amazing tastes and inspirations
1. Basil detox drink
This “herb infusion” is a no-brainer as most of you might have fresh basil sitting on the windowsill. You need a 1-quart pitcher with very cold water and 12 plucked, large basil leaves. Fold the leaves 1- 2 times to activate its flavors and add them to the pitcher. Let the drink sit in your fridge for at least 1/2 an hour. Serve it with ice cubes.
Basil’s oils provide antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Basil water can help alleviate feelings of fullness and sooth indigestion. The ultimate benefit though, it tastes amazing! I love to drink it, especially on hot summer days.
2. Lemon detox water
This basic lemon water is probably one of the very first detox recipes around and perfect for a healthy morning routine. You just need the juice of one lemon mixed with cold or warm water. Add some lemon slices if you like. Drink it each morning after you wake up or take it with you in a bottle and sip it all day.
This will help your body flush toxic agents and prevent the deposition of metabolic waste. By the way, lemons are also a perfect anti-hangover helper.
3. Lemon ginger infused water
For this classic detox drink, you need a 1-quart pitcher, one organic lemon cut in slices and a small knob of fresh ginger. Pour water in the pitcher and add the lemon slices. Grate ginger by using a zester and add it to the beverage.
Ginger is a natural pain reliever, warms you from the inside and speeds up your digestion. For best results drink it at room temperature each morning directly after getting up. That helps to stimulate your organism to flush toxic waste.
4. Watermelon detox
There is probably no better fruit for detox than a watermelon. Add 10 oz./300 g melon cubes (best without pits) in a 1-quart pitcher, fill it up with water and put it in the fridge for 2-3 hours.
These fruits contain not only a lot of vitamins and minerals, but they also support your body to flush toxins.
5. Blueberry detox beverage
Mix a handful of fresh or frozen blueberries and some ice cubes in a 1-quart mason jar and fill it up with water. Let it settle for at least one hour. The presence of blueberries provides this detox miracle with a rich anti-oxidant property.
The skin of blueberries contains valuable substances that prevent diseases and also act anti-inflammatory.
6. Blueberry orange vitamin bomb
Take the blueberry detox drink (number 5) to the next level and add some orange slices to it (make sure it is organic and not waxed). It is best to use a 2-quart pitcher. If you wait 12 hours you will be surprised how the liquid and orange change to a blue color.
Oranges help with healthy blood circulation and contain tons of vitamin A, C, and antioxidants. Together with the blueberries, they will aid you to feel energized and boost your metabolism.
7. Raspberry lime spa water
Mix two tablespoons fresh or frozen raspberries and slices of one organic lime in a 1-quart mason jar. Fill it up with water and let it settle for half an hour.
Raspberries have strong anti-oxidative properties that support your kidneys, liver, and colon to purify. Limes contain flavonoids that increase the secretion of acids and bile and stimulate the digestive system.
And not to forget the huge amount of vitamin C in limes… Did you know that one lime supplies almost 50% of your daily vitamin C?
On top of that this citrus fruit provides a tangy sweetness that makes this vitamin water recipe especially delicious.
8. Pear berry detox beverage
Place pear cuts, a few berries (raspberries, blueberries) and some lime slices in large 2-quart pitcher. Fill it up with “aqua” and let it sit for an hour. Pears contain an amazing amount of fiber, antioxidants, and vitamins.
Together with the other fruits, this belly-slimming detox water tastes great and helps to boost your metabolism.
9. Blackberry mint detox water
This is another refreshing and healthy flavor combination. Layer 1/2 cup of ripe blackberries in a 1-quart carafe. Rub a hand full of mint to release its etheric oils and add it to the blackberries. Fill up the carafe with fresh water and let it sit for at least 2 hours.
Blackberries contain also wonderful anti-oxidative components. Fresh mint is an old herbal remedy that has an anesthetic effect on stomach lining (no hunger), stimulates the production of bile and with it fat burning.
Mint contains menthol and furthermore carotenoids, flavonoids as well as vitamins and trace elements. Lastly, this herb has also been linked to helping people with asthma, fatigue, headaches, depression and memory problems.
10. Kiwi blackberry infused drink
This delicious combination with kiwis and blackberries makes a perfect summer drink. Mix some kiwi slices and blueberries in a large 2-quart glass jar, fill it up with water and let it sit in your fridge for at least one hour.
Kiwis contain a lot of vitamin A and E and help relieve your body from free radicals. Blackberries have on top also amazing anti-aging properties. Add some lemon slices if you like.
11. Strawberry honeydew melon water
You need 10 strawberries cut in halves and some melon pieces. Put fruits in a large glass, pour in water and add some fresh mint leaves. Leave it in your fridge for an hour, then enjoy.
This drink not only detoxifies it also hydrates and can provide beautiful skin. Rich in vitamins and anti-inflammatory substances it looks just gorgeous in a glass.
12. Grapefruit rosemary infused water
Quarter some organic grapefruit slices and place them in a 2-quart pitcher. Add one spring of rosemary. Fill it up and cover. Store overnight in the fridge and serve it the next morning.
While the grapefruit detoxifies your body, rosemary acts calming. Its etheric oils also provide a pleasant scent. With the rosemary (my favorite herb) you have another wonderful way to get anti-inflammatory and antioxidant compounds that help to fight the damage from pollution, stress and everyday living.
13. Pineapple star fruit infused water
If you prefer an exotic drink then you will love the following recipe ready within 5 minutes. You just need to mix some pieces of fresh pineapples and some star fruit (carambola) slices in a 1-quart pitcher and fill it up with water. The longer the steeping time (at least 2 hours) the better the flavor.
Pineapples are an excellent source of vitamin C and B6. They help your body to neutralize free radicals, boost your immune system and promote eye and bone health. Starfruit is a powerhouse of Vitamin C and A.
14. Apple cinnamon drink
Cut two medium-sized apples into pieces and place them in a 2-quart mason jar. Add 2-3 cinnamon sticks and fill it up. By the way, you can refill the carafe several times using the same ingredients.
This delicious detox drink helps you to get in shape and boosts your metabolism.
15. Peach vanilla detox water
You’ll need three pitted and sliced peaches and one crushed vanilla bean (use a spoon or spatula for crushing). Place ingredients in a 2-quart pitcher, top them with 2 cups of ice, fill it up with water and stir. Refrigerate covered for at least 2 hours to let flavors infuse.
Peaches are brim full of potassium, calcium, magnesium as well as vitamin A, B, and C. All these compounds are attributed to anti-oxidative effects. Vanilla beans are especially powerful at improving mood and enhancing brain health. So, if you need a delicious, natural happiness booster – aside from chocolate, add some vanilla to your wellness drink.
16. Pomegranate mint water
Stir 2 tablespoons of pomegranate seeds in a large glass of water and add some mint leaves. Chill and enjoy!
Sure, like most fruits, pomegranates are a rich source of antioxidants and vitamin C, not to mention its anti-inflammatory properties and fiber content. But there is more…Recent studies show that pomegranates can even help protect against certain cancers and Alzheimer’s.
17. Mango infused water
Peel one mango and cut it in small pieces. Grate one small ginger knob with a zester. Place both ingredients in a 2-quart glass carafe and fill it up with water. For more freshness add some ice cubes.
You can’t get enough from mangos, because they support a glowing complexion and preserve your skin from annoying impurities. Mangos contain the unbeatable vitamin A and beta-carotene combination that shelters your skin against harmful UV radiation and promotes cell reproduction.
18. Anti-stress water with lavender and blueberries
Most of you might know lavender for its relaxing effects in bath salt, but this herb develops also a great taste in the following anti-stress detox drink. Mix a cup of blueberries with a bunch of lavender in a 2-quart glass carafe and fill it up.
Together with blueberries, it acts wonderfully relaxing for your body and mind. The rich purple color alone let you forget about any sorrows and burden.
19. Elderberry flower lemonade
This fantastic recipe I learned in my childhood from my grandmother. First, you pick the elderberry flowers and place them in a can of water. Now you put the can outside in the sun for a few hours. Before serving, add a bit of lemon juice and garnish with a lemon slice. The result is a delicious and refreshing summer drink.
Elderberry flower is supposed to boost the immune system.
20. Cranberry lemon detox water
Pop a cup of cranberries in a 2-quart water pitcher and add some slices of lemon. Top it with a spring of rosemary. Cranberries strengthen especially the bladder-renal tract and hence can prevent urinary infections.
21. Cucumber lemon infused drink
You need a medium cucumber (in slices), a lemon (in slices) and approximately ten mint leaves. Mix all ingredients in a huge 2-quart water carafe. Let it steep overnight and drink it through the day.
The lemon in this drink strengthens your immune system and helps to flush toxic waste. The cucumber acts anti-inflammatory and aids to control the fluid balance. Mint supports digestion and the lemon again gives your drink a natural sweetness without added sugar.
22. Aloe vera water
Did you know that you can add aloe vera to your drink too? Cut an aloe vera leave in the middle and extract the gel with a knife. Put in the blender a cup of water, two tablespoons of lemon juice, two tablespoons of aloe vera gel and mix it for a minute.
The plant helps to stabilize circulation, boosts digestion and gives you more energy.
23. Coconut Water
Although you may not make this at home, I think coconut water should be on a detox list too. I’ve tried my first coconut water on our Cuba trip and I was surprised that it is almost tasteless.
And yet, this natural liquid, found inside young coconuts, is extremely high in electrolytes, making it a smart way to refuel after long workouts.
24. Melon ball infused drink
Isn’t this melon ball infused water a great eye-catcher? Sure, it is a bit more time to consume to prepare. But if you want a colorful “centerpiece” on your party table, you should give this melon ball treat a try. For 8 glasses you need 3-4 ripe melons (e.g. honeydew, Crenshaw, cantaloupe, and baby watermelon) and two juiced limes.
Create colorful balls with a melon baller and place them 1 hour in the freezer before serving. In a 2-quart pitcher add frozen melon balls, lime juice, and some mint leaves. Fill it up with water and a handful of ice.
It’s hard to resist these creative and refreshing delights which might beat some alcohol cocktails at your party. At least you offer your guests a clean and healthy drink option without patronizing them.
Now it’s your turn!
Do you have a favorite spa water recipe which improves your health or suppports your weight loss attempts? Let us know in the comment section below.
Great detox water recipes here. I’ll be trying several! Wonderful photos and this should fit anyone’s palette.
Thank you Sally, yes I think there are recipe options for any taste. Enjoy!
I’ve been drinking the heck out of some detox water, so this post is timely for me. Thanks for the roundup…now I know where to go for ALL the great ideas 🙂
Thank you Traci, I’m glad that my hydration tips could inspire you. Enjoy the recipes!
I’m someone that definitely needs to get in the habit of drinking more water and adding fruits, herbs, and spices will really encourage me to drink more of it. Thanks for putting together this recipe collection! I can’t wait to try some of them.
Hey Marie, thank you! I’m so glad that my recipe collection can motivate you to work on your drinking habit. Making this keystone habit stick has the potential to inspire other good routines and behaviors.
This is exactly what I’ve been looking for! I’ve really needed some new inspiration. Thanks for a great collection.
You are very welcome, Jennifer. I’m glad that you could find some new hydration inspirations in my blog post. Cheers!
wow thank you for this lovely post I always drink water to detox with fruits. yours sure look prettier than the time I ever took to make wow!
Thank you for your kind words Claudia. Congrats! It’s a great habit to drink sufficient water infused with fruits, no matter how it looks like, as long as you reach your daily hydration goal.