The following smart goals examples will help you to understand the goal setting theory that is underlying the acronym S.M.A.R.T. It is an advanced approach to set S.M.A.R.T goals and objectives for weight loss, fitness etc.
Furthermore, I’ve prepared a free template and cheat sheet for you that you can download for free. With these templates formulating your own health-related, measurable goals can be done in a breeze. In addition, these examples can help formulate business goals within a fiscal year for team members in the context of e.g. a marketing campaign or social media.
In our first challenge week, I presented you a shortcut to formulate your own S.M.A.R.T goal. This was a quick and easy “leanjumpstart” approach. You also learned that smart objectives are at least as important as effective systems. Almost every habit that you have – good or bad – is the result of many mini-decisions over time. This article digs a bit deeper into the smart goal setting theory.
What does S.M.A.R.T stand for?
S = Specific:
First of all, your objective should be well defined and clear to anyone.
Does it give an answer to questions like What? Who? When? Where? Which?
M = Measurable:
It stands for specific measurable. To know if your goal is specific measurable, ask yourself questions such as: How many? How much? How will I determine when it is reached?
A = Attainable:
Ask yourself if your objective is realistic. Be reasonable and make sure it is something you can actually accomplish.
R = Relevant:
Ensure that your goal is something that is really important to you.
T = Time-bound:
Choose a time frame tied to the goal-setting process to accomplish your objective.
SMART Examples:
To understand how to set your own smart objectives it helps to look at the following examples. If you read the first week’s challenge then you should already know the SMART Goal Statement below. But, how did I construct it?
1. Weight Loss Example:
SPECIFIC = I want to get my optimal weight
MEASURABLE = I will drop 20 pounds
ATTAINABLE = I will accomplish it by implementing the 52-week clean eating habit challenge
RELEVANT = It encompasses all my other desires and wishes
TIMEBOUND = 6 months from today
Formulated SMART Statement
By the end of June 2019, I will have reached my optimal weight by losing 20 pounds with following and implementing the 26 weeks of the clean eating habit challenge.
And here is the construction process to support your clean eating.
2. Clean Eating Example:
S = I would like to make clean eating a lifelong habit.
M = I will resist junk food without pain.
A = I will accomplish it by planning my meals ahead of time and choosing whole foods. Following the 52-week clean eating habit challenge will keep me focused and motivated.
R = Weight loss and clean eating are relevant to my other objectives of getting healthier and cooking more on my own.
T = 12 months from today
Formulated SMART Statement (Cheat Seet)
Click on the picture above to the download the cheat sheet + smart template!
3. Fitness Example:
S = I want to improve my fitness level with running
M = running 5 miles with ease
A = I will run three days per week, varying duration and speed: Two 30 minute runs will be at a faster speed. One 45 minute run will be at a slower speed.
R = Frequent running is relevant to my other objectives of gaining more lean muscles and energy
T = 3 months from today
Formulated Smart Statement
By the end of March 2019, I will be able to run five miles. I will have achieved this goal by running three days per week. Two 30 minute runs are at a faster speed. One 45 minute run is at a slower speed.
4. Wellbeing Example
S = I want to be a relaxed, loving and peaceful person.
M = I will be able to keep cool, not lose my temper and feel more inner peace.
A = I will achieve it by meditating at least once per day on love.
R = I know others that have done it.
T = 4 months from today
Formulated, Time Based Smart Statement
By the end of December 2019, I will be feeling in control of my temper and emotions. I will have achieved this goal by meditating once per day on love. It helps me remain calm even when I feel challenged.
Setting goals the SMART way
Developing real SMART goals is a great skill but typically needs extensive practice to make them truly SMART and effective.
By following the above outlined S.M.A.R.T process you should now be able to develop and write down a smart goal statement on your own. It is important for the 52-week clean eating habit challenge that you focus on a health-related objectives. If you have not done it yet, write down your smart goal now on a piece of paper that you will hang out in a visible spot on your fridge, desk or mirror.
=> Click here to get your smart goals template + cheat sheet (PDF-file)!
Tell me your best strategies!
What are your strategies for goal setting and accomplishing your goals? Please share your goal setting tips and ideas with us below in the comments.
Thanks a lot for these examples, Gabi! I’m now working on my own SMART goals and have to admit I’m very excited about all this, this makes my dream of losing 20 pounds by summertime much more achievable!
The most important thing for me right now is to force myself to wake up earlier and use those extra hours to workout before my daughter wakes up. It may not seem as a huge change but just knowing that I worked out that day will keep me motivated to avoid unhealthy foods and to make better lifestyle choices.
This is my first attempt at smart goals setting so here it goes, my fitness goals are:
SPECIFIC = I want to do 4 HIIT workouts each week
MEASURABLE = I will be able to do 20 pushups without taking a break
ATTAINABLE = I will accomplish this by increasing my arms’ strength with 20 bicep curls daily with my 10 pounds dumbbells
RELEVANT = This goal will help me lose some of the extra weight I packed after some reckless college years.
TIMEBOUND = 4 months from today
My overall goal for 2014 is to create a lifestyle conducive to a healthier physical well being for myself. Last year I did a lot of work on my emotional being and essentially want to extend some of the things I created for myself.
1. I will lose 15 pounds by June, so that I can begin maintaining my weight at 130 lbs (I am 5’7″ and 28 years old). I will do this through exercise and implementing clean eating principles.
2. I will create a clean eating lifestyle for myself by 2015 by implementing new healthy habits according to the 52 week challenge.
3. I will begin doing Yoga consistently twice a week in order to continue with a balance in my emotional, physical, and spiritual well being. I want to have this implemented by February 2014.
4. I will begin doing some physical activity, whether it be yoga, a sport, or exercise, consistently 4 times a week. I want to have this implemented by February 2014.
Wow Vicki, what an impressing example of a smart goal statement including short term and long term goals! I believe in you!
By the end of January I will already see an improvement in my mood and stress level by meditating each morning as I do yoga for 20 minutes, This will also help me improve my breathing which will help with the exercise and strength training I will commit to 4 afternoons per week. Along with the 52 week clean eating habit challenge and the other changes I have mentioned, I will have lost 10 pounds and 3 inches by the end of June 2014. By the end of December 2014 I will be mentally and physically healthier and happier.
My goal is to lose 20lbs and I want to tone up upper arms please tell me what plan can I use and also belly fat that’s my main area?
Marina, have you subscribed to my free 52-week clean eating habits challenge yet? Following it will help you achieving your weight loss goal. One challenge week will also focus on strength training including upper arms and effective, easy belly exercises for a flat tummy.
My goal for 2014 is to eliminate all processed sugar from my diet during 2014.
Specific=I will not eat sugar.
Measurable=No sugar.
Attainable=I will resist all urges to eat sweets by substituting it with fruit or a healthy alternative.
Relevant=Sugar causes my fibromyalgia to flare up and brings on strong urges to binge. Eliminating sugar will keep my fibro and clean eating in check.
Well done Valerie:) For most readers here your goal of “eliminating sugar” might seem not realistic…The temptations are waiting around every corner…But I can tell you from my own experience that it is possible and given your specific health situation – you are even forced to abandon processed sugar altogether. Your body reaction signals you very clearly what is good for you. This is in a certain way a “competitive advantage” and a much higher “motivation booster” than if you would want to abandon sugar only for “weight loss” reasons. So… I’m convinced that you will achieve your goal!
Thank you for your vote of confidence in me Gabi!!! I have “quit” sugar many times before and allowed myself treats on special occasions. This would start a chain reaction of many cravings and binges:( One or two cookies would not do… I wanted them ALL! LOL!!!! And of course then I would be in lots of pain and have chronic fatigue so bad it was miserable. So, to remedy this struggle, I have sworn off sugar entirely. It is not too bad knowing I don’t have to struggle with those temptations now! Making this decision was HUGE, but a big relief as well. It really is an addiction and I felt like an alcoholic trying to have one or two drinks. Abstaining will be so much easier… I think:)
My goal is to lose 20 lbs by the end of June by following the clean eating tips on here, and by getting in 4 days a week of planned exercise.
Dear Karen,
Losing 20 lbs in a healthy way by the end of June 2014 is an ambitious goal! Your commitment however of not only following the clean eating tips but also your planned exercising 4 days a week makes it still a realistic goal. You can do that! You may expect in the challenge also some tips for “automating” regular exercises.