My 52 Chef Habits Program is coming

Last Updated on May 20, 2018

Today I’m eager to share some news with you about my upcoming 52 Chef Habits Program and the motivation to create it.

Lately, I’ve got some great feedback and requests from you through email. 

I just got this email two weeks ago and it was from one of my long time readers. She’s been following my newsletter for a couple of months now.

She said, “Gabi, I love your clean eating challenges but I wished, they started from week one when I subscribed and not in mid of the weeks of the year.”

Fact is, if somebody subscribes to my 52 week of clean eating habits challenge today, she or he will start next Monday with challenge number 39 (Freezer Meals). This might be ok for somebody who is an advanced clean eater, or who is on my list since 2014, but for absolute beginners this can be overwhelming.

So what can I do?

I’ve been getting these requests right from the second week of the challenge in January 2015. In fact, people ask me, “Can you write a self paced E-Course on this?”

But at the first glance I didn’t see an easy solution to cater for these understandable needs. I literally have a folder in my email where I just put all those requests of people asking for this.

I would love to do it. It’s something I guess I’ve always thought about doing. The thing is, I’m really busy just putting out newsletters, blog posts, creating the 9th book of my Inspirational Picture Book series – “Life Quotes”, launching soon my daughter’s “Horse Quotes” book and I’m a lifestyle-focused person. As you know, I live in Germany. I love spending time with my family and friends. I love spending time outdoors jogging or mountain biking in the Black Forest. I enjoy playing guitar…

How do I carve out time to do this?

Finally I got that 50th email, that heartfelt email from one of my readers that has been with me forever. That made me say, “I’m just going to sit down and I’m going to knock this out. For a couple of weeks, I’m going to write out the 52 clean eating challenges in an E-course and I’ll put it out there and be all set.”

52program-mockup 2I actually started to do it – a mini-step – to date I have at least a “course cover mockup”…But it holds me accountable!

While many online programs try to swamp you with a huge volume of content all at once, the condensed format of this Email Course will bring you well-crafted action steps in bite size portions. That way you can accomplish one smart Chef Habit at a time with pure focus.

I decided to create a 52 Chef Habits Email Course for Beginners.

It will be a self paced course and everybody who subscribes, starts with week 1, the smart goal setting. More about this, and what this will mean for the actual newsletter, I’ll share with you in a separate post.

So please stay tuned…and if you have any additional ideas or suggestions, just let me know in the comment section below…I read every comment from you!

What I can tell you for now is, that I will guide this actual clean eating challenge 2015 till the end of December, as promised. For 2016 I will need an updated challenge concept.

(Do you want to be the first to hear when the 52 Chef Habits Program launches and get an exclusive discount + Bonus material for free? Then make sure to join my Early Bird List!)

UPDATE 2018: Click her to check out the 52 Chef Habits Email Course!

7 thoughts on “My 52 Chef Habits Program is coming”

  1. Since late-March I lost the last 19 pounds I struggled to get rid off since giving birth two years ago and this was achieved just by eating healthy. I plan to join a gym ASAP and will continue with your 52-week challenge through the very end and then continue with the 52 Chef Habits program once it is available.

  2. So, so happy, Gabi! I signed up for the 52 Chef Habits program as well, any news on when you hope to launch it? So cool you want to keep doing these challenges next year too, you can count on me for that too, your program is addicting and so rewarding. I decided to give this program a go after countless diets and you managed to change both my body and my mind.

  3. I jumped in this wagon mid-April and I was a bit disappointed I missed all those past challenges. I never in a million years expected this journey to be so pleasant and successful! Can’t wait for the self-paced program to come! I don’t know, perhaps you could also add a small fitness challenge like those that I always see on Pinterest – 30-day squat challenge, 30-day planks and push-ups challenge etc.

  4. Yes, Christmas came earlier this year! I can’t believe you finally finished the ecourse, I just subscribed and can’t wait to get my hands on this. I loved your challenges so far but I started from challenge 28 and I was kinda bummed I missed the past challenges.

    • Dear Avery,
      great that you subscribed to the early bird list above.
      With the 52 Chef Habits Program everybody start with week 1
      and can work on the challenges in her or his own pace.

  5. I don’t have a stressful life but the occasional lows always result in me hitting the supermarket and stocking on fast food and bad desserts. I used to think this isn’t so bad since I don’t do it that often but the scale begs to differ; from February to June I managed to pile on 15 pounds which is insane since I’m not that tall. I happened to find your website in late July and it was truly lifesaving! This program couldn’t have come at a better moment, I can’t wait, Gabi!

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