If you dislike the cabbage soup diet – don’t read this!


Last Updated on January 24, 2019

So you decided to read my new blog post about the cabbage soup diet.
There might be one of the following two reasons inspire you to read on:

The Cabbage Soup Diet

  1. You are just curious, what’s all about, but you still dislike the cabbage soup diet (that’s totally ok). You are welcome to read on. But don’t tell me that I didn’t warn you…
  2. You love it like I do for the fact that it can be a real game changer for people who need a motivating weight loss boost. Maybe you’ve even done the it some time ago before you embarked onto your clean eating journey. Probably you were thrilled how effective such a detox week can be.

If there is another reason just comment below and let me know;)

My personal experience

Allow me in this context to share a little story about me. 20 years ago this popular fad diet was my kick-start to a healthier lifestyle and a more positive, happier life.

When I came across this diet, the prototype for the cabbage soup diet was still in its early days. It was a tough diet, but it did help. I not only shed pounds – I discovered a weight loss concept that for the first time recommended a whole lifestyle change.

Five months after this extraordinary discovery I had lost over 20 pounds! Simply having discovered the powerful solution that the Cabbage Soup Diet delivered, I made life changes that allowed me to achieve a slimmer appearance, better health, and a more positive outlook.

In 2013 I’ve found this website here – leanjumpstart.com, where I use a blend of proven science and practical experience to help people stick with their new healthy habits.

What you probably don’t know is…

Almost ten years before, in 2004 I’ve founded my first website: successful-diet-cabbage-soup.com and created the cabbage soup diet 2.0 program. For several years I have reached over 50,000 people per month who achieve amazing results and gain a new found passion for their health.

One of the biggest wishes from my longtime readers was to get access to all the necessary “detox week” material on one dedicated platform. That way they could repeat the 7-day diet easily as soon as they carve out the time for it. That’s how the idea for the E-Course was born.

And now finally this idea got shape and is ready!

My New E-Course

cabbage soup diet e-Course

This is a self-paced E-Course packed with a comprehensive set of lectures, video lessons, pdf-files, ebook and handouts.

The E-Course delivers precise, step-by-step instructions on how to use this jumpstart program successfully for fast and sustainable weight loss. It works as a powerful and motivating catalyst toward a healthy long-term nutrition.

The new Cabbage Soup Diet 2.0 allows you to eat a range of filling, delicious and nutritious foods. With the improved version, it’s also easy to jumpstart your efforts and get the motivation you need to succeed long-term with clean eating and your weight management.

Heads Up: This program is NOT for you if you implemented most of the clean eating habits I’m teaching and are already at your healthy weight.

If you are still struggling with your weight and need a reliable detox program for a highly motivating kick-start in weight loss then this program is for you.

Join the Cabbage Soup Diet E-Course Now!