Earlybird2 - Leanjumpstart - Simple Plant-Based Recipes

52 Weeks Clean Eating Schedule to Create Healthy Habits in just 5 Minutes a Day!

The key to sustainable eating habits for
health-conscious women with little time.

Simply tell me where to send the free schedule  + access to 

free resources (3-part video course, ebooks, content tailored to you)

Stop Being Your Own Worst Enemy.

The good news is: even the worst case of procrastination is just a result of some 'faulty wiring' in your brain. And yes, it can be fixed. Enter your name and email, and you can download the free clean eating schedule with sample links to the first 8 weeks of smart habit change. Make your first crucial baby-steps now and learn how to create sustainable clean eating habits to boost your energy levels and maintain a healthy body. You could even shed your last couple of pounds and keep it off, if this is your goal.